September 2016 Events

Wow, we are almost halfway through the month and I have no clue how we got here. I meant to write something for the first but… things happened, mainly trying to get a few books polished up and see if we can get a pipeline of novels and novellas for the end of the year.

We don’t have any books quite ready for release, but the various BTP authors do have some upcoming events.

ICON October 27-30

Since many of us are based in Iowa, we head over to ICON, a science fiction and fantasy convention at the Cedar Rapids Marriott. This is going to be the first year that BTP has a table where you can buy any of our books.

Dylan, Shannon, Cassie, and Stacie will be at the author signing on Thursday the 27th at Barnes and Nobel.

Dylan is doing DreamCon, a writing program for high school students.

At the moment, I think most of us are just hanging around. Dylan has plans on doing panels but hasn’t signed up for them yet.

Book Bum’s Workshop (November 5, 2016 from 09:00 to 16:00)

Set at the West Liberty Public Library, this is a set of workshops for writers on various topics. Dylan will on two panels:

  • 09:45: Publishing a paper back
  • 14:00: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Genre

I.O.W.A. 2017 (August 5, 2017)

This is set at Lindale Mall in Cedar Rapids and is a fantastic time to chat with authors and buy some books. It was a lot of fun last year. Cassie, Stacie, Shannon, and Dylan plan on attending.