January 2018 Newsletter

This year, we are going to try doing a newsletter a month to our subscribers. The newsletter will have one or two books we currently have available, future events, and a raffle.

For our first newsletter of the year, we give a shout out to Tales of Whimsy by Stacie Sugioka and Panic No More by Shannon Ryan.

Tales of Whimsy by Stacie Sugioka

Tales of Whimy cover

Herein lies four quirky stories of unexpected heroes. These imaginative tales are intended for young readers, teen readers or elderly readers because a fun story is entertaining regardless of age.

Jebediah, the Unlikely Hero, and the Three Plagues of the Kingdom is about a coward who must confront a dragon and grapple with an ogre before he can find a happy ending.

Super Human is a short piece about designer babies created by genetic selection.

The Fortune-Maker is a short story about a girl who struggles to find something to believe in.

Fink Nagget and the Giant’s Toe is about an adventurer of tiny proportions who had adventures of grand proportions.

This book is not intended for children or adults, but rather for anyone who would like to hear a story, regardless of age.

Tales of Whimsy is a fun little book with four short tales inside that are illustrated by the author.

It can be found in various stores in print including our own. Online, it is enrolled into Kindle Unlimited and is only available here.

Panic No More by Shannon Ryan

Even the best families can have dark secrets.

Some people would say that Nick Baker has it all: the trust fund, the family connections, and the country club membership. However, the Baker dynasty is in decline, and being a Baker comes with obligations as well as a family history of insanity.

Already prone to panic attacks, when Nick sees a supernatural creature dancing outside his office window, he wonders if he’s just hallucinating or suffering a complete mental collapse. However, the creature is all too real, and it has come to collect on a promise made by one of Nick’s ancestors, the secret of the Baker’s success. Nick must choose between thwarting the ambitions of his family or facing the wrath of an ancient god.

Shannon writes quirky humor set in the contemporary world. One of our favorite parts are the surrealism of the entire story and the wasp scene in specific.

It is in Kindle Unlimited so you can read it for free. A print version can be purchased at most stores or from our online site.

Future Events

Here are the future events we have planned. In all cases, if you are interested in physical copies of our books (even if the author isn’t going to be there), you can use “Convention Pickup” shipping and it will be waiting at the table for you.

As we get closer, we’ll have more information and schedules.

Demicon (Des Moines, IA on May 4-6)

Shannon will be attending Demicon.

I.O.W.A. 2018 (Marion, IA on July 21)

Randy will be attending Imaging Other Worlds with Authors on July 21 in Marion, Iowa.

ICON (Cedar Rapids, IA on October 4-7)

Many of our authors (Cassie, Shannon, Stacie, and Dylan) will be at our local sci-fi and fantasy convention, ICON including the author signing on October 4th.


This year, we are going to also do a $5 raffle for a random subscriber on our mailing list. This month, Shakyra is our winner; they already have an email sitting in their inbox.

To join our mailing list, head over to https://broken.typewriter.press/ and scroll to the bottom. You can enter your name and email and subscribe.

As usual, if you have any questions, comments, or problems, feel free to send us an email at contact@typewriter.press.